Hope for the Journey

This event is for anyone that wants to understand and connect better with children from hard places and is geared towards parents, teachers, volunteers, and family friends that interact with kids in those situations. This is a simulcast event. For more information about Show Hope, visit showhope.org

Childcare Deadline is April 11.

Nine Mile Campus

800 East Nine Mile Road

2 Days | April 17, 8:30a – 12:00p | April 18, 8:30a – 1:30p | Northwest Hall | $15 per person | Limited childcare available for $5/family

1 Day | April 20 | 8:30a – 5:30p | Northwest Hall | $15 per person | Childcare available for $5/family

5 Nights | April 24 – May 22 | 6:00p – 8:00p | L205 | Free

Spanish Trail Campus

3960 Spanish Trail

Details coming soon...